The result of careful, constructive cooperation between Alberto Barozzi Concept, Tek Neg (engineering) and the UFO PLAST technical staff, which made it possible to develop a product that embraces a number of technical and functional factors, including: 1.Ergonomic structure with high-performance structure characteristics made from a special plastic polymer. 2.Total containment of the knee joint thanks to the Morpho Fit system: a - medial and lateral collateral ligament support. b - anterior and posterior cruciate ligament support. c - patella protection; 3.Proper size adjustment thanks to the special, intuitive adjustments available; 4.Adjustable condyle pads, made of a spherical support of various thickness for perfect containment of the joint, also as regards rotation. CPSO (Condyle Pad Spheric Orientation); 5.Tibial support in two versions can be adjusted, with reference to the subjective morphologic structure of the tibia, for correct adaptation and comfort. TOP (Tibia Orientation Position); 6. Adjustable containment system for the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament). ACLSS (Anterior Cruciate Ligament Support System); 7.Medial and lateral collateral ligament containment; 8.Sealed stainless steel structural four-sided joint, for a correct relationship between translation and rotation of the joint and the best integration in the knee flexion-extension movement; 9.Structural patella cup for effective impact dissipation, thereby limiting the direct impact on the patella; 10.Telescopic upper structure to protect the rectus femoris - vastus medialis and sartorius muscle. 11.Adjustable 4-point leg-fastening system for correct positioning. 12.Stoppers to limit hyperextension with variations: 0€ - 15€ -25€- 35€. HLS (Hyperextension Limit System). 13.Adjustable fittings for the best adaptation of the straps to the leg. 14.Heat-welded, hypoallergenic, antibacterial straps with reduced thickness for better containment and comfort; 15.Thermoformed BAL (bioclimatic action low) with structure made from hypoallergenic, antibacterial polyurethane foam with bubble wrap texture to ensure the best adherence to the leg and a reduced bioclimatic ratio and high shock absorption power. Easily removable for easy cleaning; 16.Interference support with the top of the boot to support the brace, MFBS (Morpho Fit Boots System); 17.Assistance system managed independently thanks to a conceptual engineering system expressed in the creation of the product: ADHM, (assembly/disassembly home made); 18.All materials are water resistant and anti-corrosive; 19.Lightweight (740 grs).